
Friday, April 11, 2008

5 Tips To Conquer Your Snoring Problem For Good

If your snoring isn’t tied to a more serious issue such as sleep apnia, there is a good chance you can respond to some of the self help tips to eliminate snoring. It’s definitely worth giving these tips a try and seeing if they help you improve the quality of your sleep. Your partner and family will thank you for it when they do.

  • Lose Weight and Stop Smoking

The more fat you carry the more fatty tissue forms around your throat. This will narrow the airway and increase your chances of snoring. eating less and improving your general fitness level can be a huge assistance in developing the ability to breath freely in your sleep.

Smokers have a narrower airway than non smokers, and whether you yourself smoke, or if you are merely exposed to second hand smoke regularly the effects are the same. Stopping smoking can have an effect on the noise and intensity of your snoring.

  • Improve Your Sleeping Posture

Sleeping on your back results in the tongue and soft tissues at the back of the mouth and throat sliding backwards and blocking your airways. In cases of mild snorig simply rolling onto your side may completely cure your snoring problem. Of course saying to change your sleep habits is easier said than done. You will need to train yourself to sleep differently. One popular method of doing this involves tying a ball or similar sized object to the back of your bedclothes. This will be uncomfortable every time you attempt to lie on your back and even in a semi-conscious state your natural reaction will be to roll onto your side.

  • Change your heads position

The position of your head may be directly contributing to your snoring. Bending your neck by sleeping with one or two pillows can cut off the airways. There are specialty stores that can sell a special snorers pillow designed to counter this problem.

Some success has been noted by people who elevate the head of their bed by several inches. now gravity is working with you to help your snoring problem and the tongue and loose throat muscles are likely to move forward, clearing the airways, rather than backwards to obstruct it.

  • Be Careful of Alcohol, Sedatives and Certain Foods Before Bed.

Drinking before you go to bed will often lead to snoring. Alcohol acts as a muscle relaxant. It relaxes the muscles in your airways which makes snoring worst. Sleeping pills and tranquillizers will have the same effect, yet some doctors will prescribe them to help you sleep when there is a snoring problem. While you will be able to sleep it is likely the snoring problem will get worse!
Certain foods are also a bad idea. Dairy, soy or skim milks can prevent mucus from draining properly. The retention of mucus in the airway limits the air flow and leads to snoring.

  • Keep Nasal Passages Clear

When you have a blocked nose inhalation is hampered leading to more noisy breathing. When you suffer from allergies or colds you may find yourself more prone to soring, even if you don’t normally have any problems at all. It’s possible to purchase nasal decongestants over the counter at your local pharmacy. If you prefer homeopathic cures nasal strips can assist in opening the nasal passages.

While taking antihistamines can assist, it does relax the muscles in the throat and lead to snoring. If you are looking for a more permanent solution to a snoring problem for you or your partner, there is a simple exercise program which can be done in 3 minutes and can lead to an end to all your snoring problems.

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